i cannibali della parola


XV Hombres Videopoetry Award: 1.371 videos

Hombres Videopoetry Award 2019

Submissions Map

The XV Hombres Videopoetry Award’s staff closed the call for entries on 1st April 2019. The videos participating in the competition are 1.371 and they come from all over the world. Now the jury is selecting the best ten videos  which will be presented in the final evening, scheduled in Carsoli (Italy) in the month of July 2019. The final list will be published on 15th May 2019.  Here we reported the countries of coming: Iran, Islamic Republic (146), Italy (127), United States (123), India (102), Turkey (71), Brazil (70), France (55), Spain (53), Germany (48), Russian Federation (43), United Kingdom (36), Canada (35), Republic of Korea (26), Argentina (23), Greece (20), Portugal (16), China, Egypt (14), Ukraine, Colombia, Poland (13), Sweden, Australia, Bangladesh, Romania (12), Iraq, Mexico (11), Ireland, Indonesia (10),  Austria (9), Bulgaria (8), Belgium (7), Croatia, Norway, Czech Republic, Georgia, Japan, Lebanon (6), Morocco, Afghanistan, Denmark (5), Tunisia, Slovakia, Taiwan (4), Pakistan, Philippines, Peru, Thailand, Netherlands, Republic of Moldova, Finland, Chile, Puerto Rico, Serbia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Switzerland (3), Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria, Armenia, Belarus, Cuba, Hungary, Kenya, Lithuania, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Slovenia, South Africa, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Uzbekistan (2), Albania, Hong Kong, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Estonia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Iceland, Kosovo, Latvia, Macedonia, the former Republic of Yugoslav, Malta, Mauritania, Montenegro, State of Palestine, Paraguay, Honduras (1), Not Specified (37).

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